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I-Beam Deck

I-Beam Deck The ROGERS I-Beam Deck is a deck constructed of two main beams and several inside cross beams. It is designed for a machine's undercarriage to rest or be blocked on the main beams. For many large machines, this loading method minimizes the overall height of the loaded machine. I-Beam Decks are available on all Ultima and CobraNeck Series detachable gooseneck trailers but are most commonly used with Modular Series trailers so that other deck styles may also be used with the trailer.

Integral Hatbox

Integral Hatbox The Integral Hatbox is a design on most ROGERS lowbed trailers 50-ton capacity and higher, where the gooseneck beam is deepened by 3 inches. When attached to the fifth wheel, the Integral Hatbox provides more clearance for the tractor's fenders.

Jeep Dolly

Jeep Dolly The ROGERS Jeep Dolly is a short trailer built complete with a kingpin, sliding fifth wheel, and suspension system. It is designed to act as an intermediate unit to divide the kingpin load of the trailer and the tractor AND to provide the necessary length between axle groups to meet DOT bridge formula regulations. The Jeep Dolly is similar to a Helper Dolly, but are commonly equipped with a sliding 5th wheel assembly mounted at the same fifth wheel height as the tractor. In order to utilize a Jeep Dolly, the most trailers must be designed and equipped with a Gooseneck Extender.

King Pin

King Pin The King Pin connects the gooseneck to the tractor by locking into the fifth wheel. The Standard King Pin is located 15" back from the front edge of the gooseneck and is welded to the fifth wheel plate. A Two-Position King Pin is also available as an option for most ROGERS semi-trailers. The ROGERS King Pin conforms to SAE J700 standards.

Lashing D (Lashing D)

Lashing D Lashing D's are the primary securement attachments used in securing a loaded machine to the trailer for transport. A Lashing D is a cast steel ring shaped like the letter "D" with a 40° bottom radius that is attached with the use of a strap welded to the trailer structure. The working load limit (WLL) of the 1" diameter Lashing D (properly mounted) is 15,000 lbs. The quantity of Lashing D's required per trailer varies according to the capacity of the trailer and current Federal Load Securement regulations.

LED Lights

LED Lights Light Emitting Diode lights (LED Lights) shine brighter and use less energy than standard lights for a lowbed trailer. Note: the ABS marker light is not LED. It has a standard incandescent bulb.

Level Rear Extension

Level Rear Extension With a Level Rear Extension, the trailer's rear frame deck is extended longer than the standard length to provide additional load area. The Level Rear Extension is most commonly found on Gentle Riser or Sloper trailer styles. The Level Rear Extension requires a rear impact guard installed under the rear bumper.

Manual Rear Ramps

Manual Rear Ramps Manual Rear Ramps are commonly used with trailers having a Beavertail, including detachable gooseneck, fixed gooseneck, and Tag-Along models. The ramps help to make rear loading safer and easier. ROGERS Manual Rear Ramps are laterally adjustable to aid in the loading of machines of various widths and equipped with springs to assist the operator lifting the ramps off the trailer or off the ground. These ramps are available in two styles: wood-covered and ladder-style. Wood-covered ramps are good for loading track equipment while self-cleaning ladder ramps are good for loading rubber-tired equipment.

Maxi Brakes

Maxi Brakes Maxi Brakes is an another name for spring brakes. This type of brake has two chambers; one that acts the same as a standard brake chamber, and a second chamber that contains a very powerful mechanical spring that acts as a fail-safe should the air brake system lose air pressure. The Maxi Brake also serves as a mechanical parking brake to prevent a trailer from rolling when parked on inclined surfaces.

Mechanical Backup Alarm

Mechanical Backup Alarm A Mechanical Backup Alarm is attached to the hub of a curbside wheel and automatically sounds when the wheel moves backward.

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